ASVAB Test Prep Study Guide Discount Bundle
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ASVAB Test Prep Study Guide Discount Bundle PDF Downloads



Our ASVAB test prep study guide will help you prepare for the most difficult parts of the ASVAB exam.

What included in our ASVAB Test Prep Study Guide Discount Bundle?

The bundle includes the same material as our word knowledge, arithmetic reasoning and mathematics knowledge, and paragraph comprehension PDFs.

If you decide to print the material, there are printable 435 pages in the PDF download.

Word Knowledge

The ASVAB word knowledge test prep study guide evaluates your level of complex, advanced vocabulary.

You will also learn military-related words needed for the test, and also of course for your career.

The chapters are conveniently organized alphabetically.

You will see a definition for each word and a sample sentence showing how to use the vocabulary.

Exercises follow each chapter to reinforce what you have learned.

Answers are provided at the end of the PDF.


The ASVAB math test prep study guide download has 275 questions on both arithmetic reasoning and mathematics knowledge.

Arithmetic topics covered include operations on integers, fractions, and mixed numbers, as well as basic statistics.

Math knowledge problems assess your knowledge of basic to intermediate algebra and geometry.

You may wish to refer to the table of contents for the math section of the PDF download.

Paragraph Comprehension

A variety of different types of reading texts are provided in order to simulate the exam.

You will practice with all of the types of questions included on the real test.

Click here for the reading table of contents.


ASVAB Test Prep Study Guide Cover

You can also purchase this material as individual downloads.

Further details

The publications are also available on Amazon:

Math Study Guide for the ASVAB Exam

Reading Prep Guide for the ASVAB

Vocabulary Study Prep for the ASVAB Test

Educators: Please note that the materials sold on this website are copyrighted. As such, they may not be used with a classroom or copied unless a bulk use license is granted. For further information, please contact us.

Note: The ASVAB and AFQT are registered trademarks of the United States Department of Defense, which is not affiliated with nor endorses this publication.