Get our Michigan English Test Listening and Speaking Practice PDF download and free mp3s!
What in our Michigan English Test Listening and Speaking Practice PDF?
Our Michigan English Test Listening & Speaking Practice PDF is 141 pages long.
It includes the following exam study materials:
Idiom review with idiom exercises
- Idioms are so important on the MET English Listening Test.
- The book begins with a four-chapter comprehensive idiom review.
- There are idiom exercises after each unit.
- Comprehensive idiom review
- Idioms and example sentences for you to study
Listening practice exams with free mp3 access
- The PDF has 6 listening units.
- Links to free mp3 access for each unit.
- Format same as real exam
- We cover every part of the listening test
- 100 listening exam practice questions in total
- mp3s for free
Speaking test review
- Learn how use conditional sentences and correct verb tenses in your speaking response.
- Boost your speaking exam score with high-level grammar.
- In this section of the PDF, we include:
- Review of verb tenses on each part of the Michigan English Test in speaking
- Lists of useful phrases for each section of the speaking exam
- Word lists to improve your vocabulary
- Exercises on conditional sentence structures
- Includes explanations for the answer to each exercise
Speaking practice tests
- 5 sample MET speaking test responses from the practice interviews.
- We include an analysis of each response.
- So, you can learn what examiners expect.
- 12 speaking practice tests for you to study
- Each of our MET English Test practice speaking exams has five parts
- Formatted just like the real test
Complete answer key with explanations
- Explanation of every answer on our listening practice tests
- More tips for the exam
- Texts for all the listening passages
Other Formats of our Michigan English Test Listening and Speaking Practice PDF
This download has the exact same content as our paperback on Amazon.
The title of the paperback is:
Free excerpts from this PDF are available on YouTube:
Listening Samples for the Test
Visit our MET download page
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Please note that the materials sold on this website are copyrighted.
As such, educators may not use them with a classroom or copy them unless we grant a bulk use license.
For further information, please contact us.
Note: The Examination for the Michigan English Test and MET are trademarks of the University of Michigan, in conjunction with Cambridge Assessment English, which are neither affiliated with nor endorse this publication.